JUNE 25 - JULY 23

Sasha Alexandria, Sophie Cochrane, Anni Hagberg, Michelle Jing,
Sam Kariotis, Sophia Koot, Iona Mackenzie, Jack Paterson,
Steph Raad, Rosie Stanton, Mara Schwerdtfeger and Zoe Baumgartner.
Curated by Phoebe Thompson

Purchase the works here.

WED JULY 21, 7:30PM - 9:00PM

HOLD SPACE Poetry Night




Hands crafting, holding clay to make something that will, in turn, hold what it may. A hand to hold. A hand holds a knife, dripping with red. All that hands can do. All they can inflict. The body is a vessel. You contain multitudes. The inner of you is held by flesh, skin, furniture and room and house and universe. Hold is a taut line. There is tension here - a rope without slack. But tenderness too. Who grasps it? Who cuts it? 

HOLD is a multi-disciplinary group show that includes ceramics, painting, drawing, collage, textile, jewellery, and mixed-media works. Artists include Sasha Alexandria, Sophie Cochrane, Anni Hagberg, Michelle Jing, Sam Kariotis, Sophia Koot, Iona Mackenzie, Jack Paterson, Steph Raad, Rosie Stanton, Mara Schwerdtfeger and Zoe Baumgartner.

The artists involved examine the spaces between tension and slack, force and inaction, intimacy and stillness. Embodied experiences and gestures are outstretched to the audience.

Different mediums are engaged in order to explore various issues of weight. The boundaries and barriers between human, object, nature, are seen and held and dropped. The artists involved invite you to reflect on your relationship with and within your body. They remind us of our place on the earth and the objects that tether us to it. They celebrate intimacy and inner truths.

Hold invites you to reach out your hand and grasp. Hold invites tenderness and strength. Hold invites you in.


See Sasha’s Instagram Here

See Sophie’s Instagram Here

See Anni’s Instagram Here

See Michelle’s Instagram Here

See Sam’s Instagram Here

See Sophia’s Instagram Here

See Iona’s Instagram Here

See Jack’s Instagram Here

See Rosie’s Instagram Here

See Mara’s Instagram Here

See Zoe’s Instagram Here

You can view HOLD and SOFT EDGES in person, across Gallery One and Two, at Platform Arts between Monday and Friday, 9.00AM - 5.00PM. There will be closing celebrations on Friday July 23 from 6.00PM - 8.00PM. See our What’s On page for more information and for associated events and public programs.